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Downingtown Proud - Sponsorships

Neighborhood Involvement and Organizations Near to Our Hearts 

Aardvark Animal Hospital is an independently owned small family business.  As such, we have a deep connection to our community because we live here.  We are your neighbors, our kids go to school with your kids, we shop at the same grocery store you do.  We are not beholden to a corporation that dictates how we practice medicine or has stripped our identity.  We are committed to providing our community with exceptional veterinary services,

no strings attached. 

Below you will find organizations and community events that are near and dear to our hearts and

we are proud to sponsor. 


Aardvark Animal Hospital


139 Wallace Avenue
Downingtown, PA 19335


Ph: (610) 269-2226

Fax: (610) 269-2253


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